The science
behind Mello.

Ever find yourself trapped in a cycle of repetitive thoughts, worrying endlessly about things beyond your control, or dwelling on things you wish you could change?

This is called stuck thinking.

We all do it, but when we spend too much time going over and over negative thoughts in our mind, it can leave us feeling anxious and depressed.

How does Mello help?

Mello is your comprehensive mental health toolkit for stuck thinking, offering you relief from a wound up mind and skills to handle stuck thinking long term.

Mello draws on the latest scientific research to bring you effective, evidence-based techniques that work for getting unhooked from negative thoughts.

These techniques aren’t the type of generic exercises you’ve done in most wellness apps.

They’ve been developed by psychologists and scientists, alongside young people, and they’re based on psychological treatment approaches like:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Meta-cognitive therapy (MCT)

  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).

The evidence.

Mello is not only based on science, it’s also backed by science.

A landmark study conducted by Orygen Digital and the University of Melbourne found that after using Mello for six weeks:

  • 82% of users reported a reduction in anxiety

  • 79% of users experienced decreased depression symptoms

  • 83% of users observed a significant decrease in stuck thinking.

After six weeks of consistent use, Mello has the power to transform lives:

  • One in three young individuals overcame clinically significant depression

  • One in four young individuals moved beyond clinically significant anxiety.